
Kashrus in dairies operations in brief

At the farms

In FarmIn order to obtain super kosher milk, the following is required:
Removing all cows that have undergone a DA, Displaced Abomasums operation (in the United States, this accounts for 3-4% of cows).

Rabbi, who serves as kashrus supervisor, will visit the farm(s) before the beginning of each milking at each farm to verify that the vessels are clean.

Upon completion of the milking the Rabbi seals the tanks and will follows it till the milk get to the manufacture plant.

On-hand veterinary supervision to guarantee that all of the cows are healthy and in cases of medical problems or surgery, approval is needed from the kashrus system’s veterinarian as to whether to use the milk or remove it.

At the manufacture plant:

manufractureRemoving any milk and powder from previous production.

24 hours down (for example in the weekend) of the entire line who will be dedicated for the kosher production.

After the 24 hours, “Kashering” of the plant takes place, this is done once before using the dedicated line, thorough cleaning of all pipes and equipments, including use of boiling waters and sterilizing agents (in the presence of a Rabbi).

Removing of the filter socks and replacing by new ones.

Rabbis present during the entire production process till the end of the packaging were a kosher stamp will be added to each bag.